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Scientists fight over the fact this is real.

Scientists fight over the fact this is real.

It has been a fight in the scientific space of proving that telepathy is real, as there have now been many studies that prove telepathy is real- yet many refuse to sign off on it because it can’t be seen and is still so taboo. One of the studies was in 1970 and since then suppsoedly no one has gone to study more about telepathy.

The real ones know that we have been living and experiencing it in real time. The coolest part is I often experience it, with YOU!!

I find the study quite interesting and obvious, I am so surprised it is still unknown by so many. HBU?

Telepathy, the purported ability to communicate information from one mind to another without the use of conventional physical senses or language, has been a subject of scientific interest and controversy where scientists fight over it.. One of the most renowned studies examining telepathy is the Ganzfeld experiment, which has been replicated and analyzed extensively. (due to disbelief)

In the Ganzfeld experiment, participants are placed in a relaxed state and isolated from external sensory input, often through the use of half ping-pong balls over their eyes and white noise playing in their ears. Meanwhile, a sender in another room attempts to mentally transmit images or thoughts to the receiver.

The results of these experiments have shown statistically significant outcomes that suggest telepathic communication may be a real phenomenon. Critics argue about the reliability and replicability of these results, while proponents point to the consistency across multiple trials and the controlled conditions under which the experiments were conducted.

Overall, while telepathy remains a controversial topic in mainstream scientific circles, many spiritual people know the truth of this natural ability, and studies like the Ganzfeld experiment provide intriguing evidence that challenges our understanding of human consciousness and the proof for non-verbal communication between individuals.

Do you speak telepathy too?

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