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You want to safely cut cords and be mindful of when doing so

You want to safely cut cords and be mindful of when doing so

Cord cutting is a sacred act of release. Whether you use visualization, crystals, candles, or meditation, the key is clear intention and a pure heart.

Here are some ways to practice:

You can cut cords in a safe way by

Setting Clear Intentions: Be specific about who or what you’re releasing and why. Intention is the anchor of the process. Details are not necessary, let it be natural and no need to make it overwhleming.

Stay Grounded: Ground yourself before and after to maintain balance. Sage, take a bath, do something that signals you are not shifted and purified. Breathwork and connecting with nature also helps stabilize your energy.

Express Gratitude: Thank the person or experience for the lessons. Think of the good parts and what you get to do and be now moving forward. Closing with gratitude ensures the release is rooted in love, and you are then rewarded.

Be mindful to not:

Cut Cords in Anger: Releasing in anger creates more negative energy. Cut cords with love and understanding.

Rush the Process: Cord cutting can be emotional. Take your time and allow yourself to feel through it.

Expect Instant Results: Deep connections may require multiple sessions to fully release. Be patient with your process.

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